Today was the first webinar to get connected with the larger group if participants. I have participated in webinars most frequently as a silent participant meaning I never had to speak. More recently I tried to use Adobe Connect to host a webinar and I was fortunate as it was an extremely small group as we had many technical difficulties. Not that it was good that we also had some technical difficulties today, but it gave me some reassurance that I wasn't the only one facing these challenges when trying to connect online!
While there are so many benefits to meeting online, there needs to be the proper support in place. I think Alastair did a great job being in the room 15 minutes in advance to help as many of us individually as he could. With Adobe Connect I did my audio check and everything was working, but shortly after when my participants were online, things broke down. A quick hello and reminders of how the functions all work was really useful.
This was the first time I engaged in a webinar of such a big size - I think 58 participants in total. After this session, I am definitely getting a bit more brave to try to deliver with larger groups as now I have seen that it does work - maybe not perfectly but it all comes together at one point or another. I also look forward to trying the breakout rooms the next time I lead a session!
This week I was one of the co-facilitators for the topic of learning communities. I had an idea in mind of how the week would go (or some big questions I was focused on related to communities of practice). After the webinar and the focus on personal learning networks, I also thought perhaps we would move in that direction, but our discussion focused on collaboration and how we as educators can use scaffolding for online learning design and facilitation (and how that fosters collaboration). While we used the word collaboration, as I reflect back on our work I think of an article that I proposed to the group which references Siemens (2014) and his proposed continuum of e-learning learner-learner interactions. The 4 stages are presented as follows: 1. Communication: General talking, discussion 2. Collaboration: Working together and sharing ideas in a flexible environment 3. Cooperation: Working together but each with his own purpose 4. Community: Working together for a common purpose...
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